· Application
- A pulling hook used for hanging the hook of a lever block when building vessels and manufacturing(attaching)
construction plants.
· Features
- The NH-L is a lightweight hook with a safety factor of 3. It is designed to fix on a flat plate a thick plate with V-shaped
beveled edges among plates used in the bottom plate of a vessel or a plant.
- For the NH-L and the NH-M, the shackle, which works as gearing of the hook, has no tooth, so no teeth mark is left
on work pieces after using them.
· How to use
- Insert a work piece into the inside end of the hook's jaw opening.
· Warnings
- Do not exceed the rated capacity specified on the hook.
- Use a work piece only which falls within the jaw opening range specified in the instruction manual.
- The direction of pulling the shackle must be vertical(straight line).
- Do not lift with the NH-L and the NH-M.