· Application
- An unloading horizontal lifting clamp for loading and unloading a variety of steel plates.
· Features
- Easy and convenient to use because the NSMY-SP has no safety latch.
- An efficient clamp to use. As long as the jaw opening range specified on the clamp is satisfied, the NSMY-SP can lift
multiple steel plates at the same time.
· How to use
- For the NSMY-SP, the clamping points must be 4 or more and then lift a work piece.
- Insert a steel plate into the inside end of the clamp’s jaw opening and then lift.
- Clamp the center of gravity of a work piece in order to equally distribute the weight of the work piece.
· Warnings
- Do not exceed the rated capacity specified on the clamp.
- Lift a work piece only which falls within the jaw opening range specified in the instruction manual.
- Never lift a work piece with two or less clamps.
- For the NSMY-SP, use a balance beam. Use sling wires of the same length. Lift a work piece only after checking the
biting location, the biting condition and the proper functioning.
- When lifting a work piece, a signal man must be outside the rotation radius of a work piece to send a signal to a crane
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